Equipment used for cleaning and checking injector. It is essential in the regular maintenance and repair of new generation automobiles and motorcycles using PGM-FI/ FI / EFI technology at the workshops today.
Equipment used for cleaning and checking injector. It is essential in the regular maintenance and repair of new generation automobiles and motorcycles using PGM-FI/ FI / EFI technology at the workshops today.
Used to diagnose most of Caterpillar's diesel engine vehicles, construction vehicles, container tractors, super-heavy loads, excavators, bulldozers, generators with J1708 (ATA) and J1939 standards and other automakers using Caterpillar engines.
Determine faults of engine for most of new vehicles are OBD-II compliant. Compatible with almost automobile manufacturers in the world (Imported from US since 1996, imported from Europe since 2000, made in Vietnam since 2004). Read / clear fault codes, reset ECU, turn off the Check Engine Light, and display the current engine parameters. Designed especially for automobile markets of Asian, Africa, EU, US... Convenient, correct and simple for users.
Equipment used for cleaning and checking injector. It is essential in the regular maintenance and repair of new generation automobiles and motorcycles using PGM-FI/ FI / EFI technology at the workshops today.
Tool identify fault about engine power, fuel consume and fuel leakage of electronic fuel injection engine for almost automobiles and automobiles today.
Equipment used to check injector and high-pressure pump for Diesel engine of Bosch, Denso, Delphi and Siemens manufacturers. Generate control signal pulses allow user check, rate quality of fuel injector based on parameters as fuel injection quantity, the amount of fuel return line, fuel injection quality and tightness of injector vv… Simulate pressure control signals to check Bosch high-pressure pump (for CP1 & CP3)
Tool measures electric pulse on cars & motorcycles with software installed on the computer. This is a cheap spend, reliable and easy solution to measure, check, and repair electronics on cars & motorcycles.
(temporarily out of stock)
Equipment is perfect specialized equipment for vocational schools where trainees are taught both theory & practice of ABS. Equipment includes an ABS instrument model, software on computer, a synchronously coupled electronic block and a diagnostic equipment to form a standard, modern & professional teaching set
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Equipment designed for use in vocational training center to learn theory & practice on generation TOYOTA electronic diesel fuel supply system. Researching, investigating the principle and operation structure of the standard CRDI M-OBD generation multi-point electronic diesel fuel supply system.
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Used for electronic, electric system training in vocational schools about electric systems and electronic control on modern motorbikes/scoosters. User can compare/discriminate the resemblance and the difference between generations by methods, survey by professional measuring tools.
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